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NagVis is a visualization addon for the well known network managment system Nagios.

NagVis can be used to visualize Nagios Data, e.g. to display IT processes like a mail system or a network infrastructure.

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Make troubled nodes slide to center of the screen


One big unpleasant feature on "animated" maps is the fact that the map slides until the node is supposedly visible on display. There are several troubles with this:

1. When one has lots of nodes, it is hard to figure where the node really is.
2. Under certain conditions, the node may not be really visible, so one has to move "a bit" the map to find it.
3. Under situations when you have a chain-reaction of alerts, maps start to behave wildly, without too much help for the user. This is quite annoying if nodes only appear "over the corner".

There are also bugs that usually occur on a too repeating sequence of alerts. The map starts to crawl slowly and is unstoppable.

I have to note that we don't have most of the problems shown here. We rewrote that piece of code to achieve the objective of centering the map over the current alert. We sent this piece of code, through e-mail, to Nagvis but, till now, it does things the old way. Really I don't know why it was refused, we never got a reply. I understand that that piece may be too ugly and authors have better ideas in mind. Maybe we just didn't use the proper channel to send the changes. But, the way "vanilla" Nagvis moves maps now is totally useless for us. With more than 1000 nodes and 3000 services, just "sliding to make it visible" is not an answer.

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Author: Ektanoor · Date: %2012-%01-%23


I am sorry for not responding. Found your mail and sent an answer.
Author: LaMi · Date: %2012-%01-%23

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